Coloring Down the Lines – Island Indigo

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

Wednesday means it is time for our color challenge.  We have worked out way through all the main color collections and we are now working on the In Colors from last year.  Today’s color choices were

Island Indigo, More Mustard, Lucky Limeade  


Island Indigo, Baja Breeze, Rich Razzleberry

I opted for the second color choice.  I decided to go with a collage style card.  I am a Card Angel so I send cards to people who are undergoing chemotherapy.  I just got a new patient so I also needed a card for my person.  I decided to create my card today to send to my person.  Here is what I created with this color combination.

inside of card and envelope

I think the person that gets this will really like it as it is colorful and fun.  Now it is time to hop on down the line.  The next stop is Amanda’s Blog – Our Crafty Playdate to see which color choice she used and what she created with it.  Thanks for looking and have a Wonderful Wednesday!



  1. OOH< Robbie, I just love this! It's so beautiful! It's sure to cheer someone up…You ARE an angel, for sure!

  2. Love the card, Robbie. It has a fun flare to it, and I love the color combo.

  3. Very pretty Robbie-as usual you talented girl you!!! lol I love how you always include the inside of the card & the envelope!!! I'm going to make an effort to do that!! Good inspiration!!

  4. This is so nice. Great use of the colors, and I love how you did the collage. I have a lot of trouble trying to figure out a collage. Now I know where to go to copy. Very nice challenge. (Tell me, how did you get on a list?) Hugs.

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