I saw this really cool project on Patty Stamp’s blog. So I decided to hold a small class doing this project and it was lots of fun. The faux sea glass was done with shrink plastic they were colored with crystal effects and re-inker’s. One thing that I would change is that next time I would use split rings (a little more difficult to use) not jumper rings.
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Current Catalogs
Paper Pumpkin
Class Schedule – all times are EST
You must be fully vaccinated to attend.
July – Butterflies & Daisies
Beginner July 11 – 10:30, 2:00, 6:00
Beginner Plus July 15 – 10:30, 2:00
Advanced July 18 – 10:30, 2:00, 6:00
August – Butterflies & Daisies 2
Beginner August 8 – 10:30, 2:00, 6:00
Beginner Plus August 12 – 10:30, 2:00
Advanced August 15 – 10:30, 2:00, 6:00
Call or text to reserve your spot!
Gift Certificate