Lacy Techno

Hi Ladies!

Did you wonder what happened to me?  Well thanks for ignorant workers at Verizon I did not have internet from Saturday night until midday today.  I had to leave for Jess’ so I am posting from there.  Since I have to do all my posts in the next hour or so they will be short and sweet this week!

Today at Late Night Stampers our challenge is to use

I also used the sketch challenge at Technostamper.  Here is my creation.


inside of card and envelope

I hope you enjoyed my card today.  Sorry it is late but at least I made it before the end of the day!

Thanks for looking and have a Marvelous Monday!


One Comment

  1. Great job combining the two challenges. This is really pretty. Hope you have a great time at convention, sorry you were without internet–hate that!

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