Well it’s back to work today! I hope you all enjoyed your time off and got to spend time with family and friends. Did you all make a New Year’s resolution? I did and it is one that I think you will like. I don’t usually make resolutions as they are so hard to keep. We will see if this is one I can follow through on.
My resolution is to scrapbook at least once a week. I have so many photos and I found an awesome site with some cute scrapbook ideas that I can’t wait to try! I am thinking I will make Saturday my day to share what I have done for the week. Doesn’t that sound like a good idea?
It is also time for the new challenge at Late Night Stampers. Our challenge this week is to create a card/project that reflects your New Year’s Resolution. This was perfect and motivated me to start on mine.
Since my resolution was to scrapbook at least once a week I knew I needed to do the other page to the beginning of Bijou’s book. I had made one of the pages to the 2 page spread quite a while ago for another challenge. I decided to use this challenge to do the other page. As luck would have it, I also found a challenge at Stampin’ Royalty for a scrapbook page/project that this also fits in.
Do you remember this page I did back in June? Well this was one side of the 2 page spread to the beginning of Bijou’s book.
I knew what I wanted on the other side so it was just a matter of creating it. I took some time yesterday and made my other page. Here is what I created.
I used the same scalloped trim element but ran this one vertical down the side of the page. I also used a butterfly punch to punch a bunch of butterflies to spread across the page. So now I have the title page and the first 2 page spread done. I am so excited to be working on this! I might just get it up to date this year!
Check back on Saturday to see what I do next! Thanks for looking and have a Marvelous Monday!