A Name Banner

Hello Ladies!

Quick post as it is late and I need to get to bed (I am posting the night before like I usually do).

My daughter was putting together a gift package to send to a friend who recently had a baby.  She also wanted to add some things for the lady’s older daughter.  She saw my “Autumn” banner I had done and decided to it would be fun to do a name banner for the first daughter.  Her name is Summer so it worked out well.  She included lots of things an 8 year old girl would love.  Here is what her finished banner looks like.

close up of first 3 letters

close up of last 3 letters

This turned out really cute.  Hope you enjoyed seeing it.  Thanks for looking and have a Sensational Sunday!



  1. this is adorable and fun Robbie, great job and I'm sure Summer will love it! 🙂

  2. What a sweet banner your daughter made, Robbie! I see she gets her craftiness from her mom! *wink, wink* This is darling and full of so many fun details. I'm sure she is going to love it! 🙂

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