Playing with some box ideas

Editted to add new pictures!

Good Morning Ladies! Are you ready for another week? For us this is the last full week before the teachers have to report back to work. I know they are not happy.

I am slowly trying to convert to using my new Mac. I spent a lot of time this weekend trying to get my watermark straight. I am hoping it worked.

This week at Late Night Stampers the challenge is a beach theme. Carole’Anne and Sandi have a 3D challenge this week. I thought it would be fun to combine the 2. Sandi came up with a template for a circle box. I thought it would be fun to create a square box instead. I did use the was Sandi put her box together to design mine.

When I began my box I originally thought I could use my Nestabilities for the top and bottom. So I cut them out of Baja Breeze and set them aside. I then had to make my sides. I used a 4 x 4 coaster and cut my paper and attached to my coaster. I then went to put the scalloped square on the bottom to hide the taped sides and look what happened.

As you can see my scalloped square was too small so now I was back to square one (hahaha play on words but not planned) with my top.

I set about recreating my top. Once I got my top made I decided to use a white scallop on top and decorate like a beach. I began by tearing post-it notes for the shore. I then started sponging (I was using my shadow box I created a couple of months ago as well as my card I did for an inspiration picture challenge to go by) my water and I when I finished I didn’t like the look. Then it hit me to use my card and tear the cardstock. I did the water first and was starting the sand. It wasn’t going well so it then hit me to use a Crumb Cake square and add layers. I cut my square and then added my first layer of sand. I then added a smaller second layer. Next I created my water layers. On the edges of both the sand and water I sponged the torn part (Soft Suede on the Crumb Cake and Whisper White on the Baja Breeze) before taping them to the square. Next I taped the square down on the white scallop and taped the white scallop to the box top. The last thing I needed to do was add my shells. I used Crystal Effects to attach them. Here is what my final box looks like.

inside of box

In retrospect I should have used a wheel around the sides of the box. Would have added something. I may try wheeling a strip of paper and attaching to the sides. If I do this would you do a strip of Crumb Cake backed with white?

I added the wheeled strips like I suggested above. Here are the pictures.

All in all I did not make the 30 minute challenge. It took me about 45 minutes of true work time not including all the mistakes. With the mistakes it was about 2 hours.

So I used 2 different watermarks on my pictures. I like the second one. Just wish I could resize it. Anybody know how to do it using iWatermark?

Thanks for looking and have a Marvelous Monday!



  1. Love this!!! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. What a pretty box. I liked the way you made the sand and water. I will have to tuck that away for future use especially with that cute little birthday crab. Sandy

  3. Nice box Robbie!
    Kim Smith

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