Coloring Down the Lines – Bloom

Hello Everyone! Well did you get snow yesterday?  We did not get anything but that is so different from the areas around us.  Some of them were to get 1 – 2 inches but ended up with a lot more than that.  Rush hour was a real mess here. I was able to make 2 cards and start to work on the last project for The Stamp Academy.  I have all the cards made for…

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October Workshop card 2

Good Morning Ladies! Well Zoie is keeping me very busy.  I had brought some school work reading I needed to do and have not had time.  When she takes her nap I find I am taking one too as she is still not sleeping through the night so I am up with her for a while.  When she goes down at night I am not far behind.  Today is my last full day as Jess…

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