Pink Week at Late Night Stampers

To celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness month, Late Night Stampers has a pink challenge.  You were to create a card and use pink.  I have had fun this week with a variety of pinks on my cards.  I hope you have found some inspiration in my posts so far. This time I combined Pretty in Pink with Early Espresso.  Next to pink and black I love pink and brown.  I used the sketch and technique challenge…

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Pink Cottage Garden

I played again with the pink challenge at Late Night Stampers.  This time I used the sketch challenge at Stamping 411.   There isn’t anything unusual about my card do I am going to skip the chit chat.  Here is my creation. inside of card  Hope you enjoyed my creation today.  Have a Terrific Tuesday! Robbie

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Missed yesterday and late today

Well I have to apologize for not posting yesterday.  My daughter did not leave until later in the afternoon and then I had to work so needless to say I did not get a card made.  I had plans to stamp this morning but I had contractors come in the morning and then ran my errands.  So I came home and began working on my cards.  To make up for it I have 2 cards…

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Using my color coach

Happy Wednesday! I can’t believe the week is half over.  Where do the days go?  We are watching Hurricane Earl closely as the track could have a big impact on us.  We have gotten some pretty bad hurricane in September in the past so it will be interesting to see what this one does. I have my monthly workshop tonight and we are making our first Halloween card.  I think the ladies will love it. …

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