More Bling

Good Morning Ladies! Well the weather has been beautiful.  Today is supposed to be great also.  Jess and Chris are thinking of taking the girls to the Zoo since the temperature is supposed to be so nice.  I have another lady coming to make a set of cards today.  Then I have 3 on Sunday for my last Christmas card class.  Busy weekend for me. My workshop in December has a theme of “Bring on…

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My Christmas swap from NoVa

Happy Friday Stampers! Well I had all kinds of problems with my knitting yesterday.  I had managed to get 18 rows of clue 2 completed but it looked funny.  I had my friend who is an expert knitter look at it and she found a mistake on row 9.  That meant I had to rip out all my work and fix row 9.  After that it was looking pretty good and the cables were lining…

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