Serene Smiles

Hello Everyone! Well yesterday was a very busy day for me.  I was able to get cards made to post for every day next week through Sunday.  You will have some eye candy each day now.  I also was able to do some ironing.  Today I will finish my ironing, pack, and pull some projects – knitting and stamping – to take with me.  Ok on to my card. I have been enjoying doing the…

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Zoie’s Punch Art – not exactly

Good Morning Ladies! Well yesterday I was dealing with rain and traffic in downtown Baltimore.  I do not like driving in the city so it was a little stressful.  I got my sister at the doctors and back home again.  I am so glad that I do not do that every day! Today is my punch art card for Zoie.  I saw the cutest thing on the SVG cuts website.  I did not want to…

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Coloring Down the Lines – Crumb Cake

Happy Midweek everyone! Well it has been a sad day at our house for a few days.  My daughter’s cat got out somehow and we have not seen him since Sunday evening.  We have called and called as well as she and Chris have looked and looked.  She just posted flyers and we are hoping someone has seen him.  Cross your fingers that someone has seen him. Today is our coloring down the lines blog…

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Zoie’s Punch Art – witch

Good Morning Stampers! Well our weather turned cooler here.  Perfect sweater weather and to curl up with a big bowl of soup.  I am on the look out for some crock pot soups so if you have some good ones, send them my way! My card today is the next one I am sending to Zoie.  I saw this idea on Pinterest and knew I had to make it.  It is so cute.  I did…

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Red Hot CCMC Flower Shop

Hello Everyone! Well I had a surprise visit yesterday.  Jess and Zoie came down to spend the night.  Jess is going through some of her things here at the house as she prepares to move again.  They don’t know where they are going yet.  Chris is in school and he should find out in a few weeks where they will be stationed next.  Lots of changes going on right now and I am a little…

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