Bunch of Blossoms

Hello Everyone ~ How about a Bunch of Blossoms idea with Balmy Blue? I have internet!  The guy came earlier today and hooked it up.  I am glad as I had a ton of e-mail and needed to see what I had to address.  I have been busy unpacking boxes and organizing my things.  I have a 2 bedroom apartment and the second bedroom is full of boxes and totes.  I started working on them…

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Dragonfly Dreams Thanks

Hello Everyone ~ A simple Dragonfly Dreams Thanks creation to share with you today. Well I head to North Carolina today.  It will take me a little longer than normal as my stops will be a little longer since I have Bijou.  I got her travel medicine yesterday so I hope she sleeps most of the trip.  Usually she does but it has been a while since we have taken a long trip so it…

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Stampin’ Up Daisy Delight in New Colors

Happy Friday Ladies ~ I paired old with the new in my Stampin’ Up Daisy Delight in New Colors creation today. Well today is the big day!  The new catalog goes live today.  That means all the goodies you have eyed in there are available to order.  What will be the first thing you order?  If you are eyeing the new In Colors check out my In Color Club here.  Maybe you are curious about…

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Stampin’ Up Wild About Flowers

Hello Everyone ~ I have a Stampin’ Up Wild About Flowers 10 Minute Creation today. I took some time yesterday and created my cards for my workshop in June.  I knew I would need to get them done as I need to send out the notice about the workshop.  I have a lot on my mind lately so focusing and creating are a little difficult at times.  I just took some deep breaths and started…

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Watercolor Wings

Happy Friday Stampers ~ my Fast & Fabulous card today uses the Watercolor Wings stamp set. Well I spent some time yesterday cleaning my cabinets with orange oil.  Now I can honestly say all the big jobs are complete.  Things have been slow on the market so I am hoping they pick up in the next few weeks.  Our weather has not been conducive for house hunting.  Plus it is the end of the year…

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Swirly Bird

Hello Ladies ~ did you think Always Artichoke could be used with Swirly Bird? Well this afternoon I think I am going to try and clean the grout in the upstairs bathroom.  That is the last big task I need to get done in the house.  I have been putting it off as I just don’t want to do it.  I don’t have a choice today as it is on my list of to do…

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