Fancy Fold Christmas Card

Hello Everyone ~ I have a Fancy Fold Christmas Card for you today. Yesterday was another busy day.  I had a workshop in the morning then worked on cutting for the mini album kit I needed.  I had to go to the dentist ~ yay!!!!!!!!! no cavities ~ and when I got back I vacuumed and then started cutting for 2 more kits I needed.  I also had my first mini album class last night. …

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Simple Handmade Give Thanks Thanksgiving card

Happy Friday Ladies ~ Want a Simple Handmade Give Thanks Thanksgiving card? So what plans do you have for the weekend?  Mine include shopping, spending time with friends, shopping, and more shopping.  I am hoping to get some things for the girls as they need clothes and the outlets are great for these.  I am not looking for anything in particular to me but you never know what you will find.  I don’t really need…

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10 Minute Creation for Halloween

Hello Stampers ~ want a 10 Minute Creation for Halloween today?  I have one for you! I had a hard time getting going yesterday but when I did I was productive.  I managed to get my Daisy mini album completed and a quick video about it, my video for Wednesday completed, edited and uploaded my video for today to You Tube, set up a new photo taking system which I tried out for the photo…

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