A Wow Color Combination

Hello Ladies! My pc is dying so I went out and got a new Mac. While I love the Mac, there is a learning curve to it. I am really struggling in the areas of editing my picture for my blog. I spent about 3 hours last night trying to figure out how to add a watermark to my pictures. I found an iWatermark program on the internet that I downloaded. I was able to…

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Late post but workshop cards are here

Hi Ladies! Sorry for the late post but I have been busy making the cards for our workshop next week. I was inspired or cased 3 cards (the 4th will be posted tomorrow as I am still working on it) I saw in my blurfing. I won’t keep chit chatting so you can see what we will make. The first card was inspired a card by Allison Ohran. I love her clean simple style. Here…

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CASing a design team member

This is going to be short and sweet as it is late and I need to get to bed and have a lot to do tomorrow. Before the card I want to share a picture I took. I just couldn’t resist the caption. If you want to scroll down and find my card that is okay. I used the color challenge from Color Dare . You were to use Bermuda Bay, Crushed Curry, and Tempting…

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10 Minute with a new technique

Good Monday Morning! I am excited about my card today. I used the 10 minute challenge at Carole’Anne’s and Sandi’s. It was an inspiration challenge. They had a great bedroom and I was drawn to the rose and celery colors. I also used this card by Sharon Field who is the featured stamper on our SU community website. I loved her layout and the set she used. This week at Late Night Stampers the challenge…

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Featured Stamper Case

I hope everyone had a great long weekend. Did you take time to thank the vets for all they do? Don’t forget their families who give up so much also. Well, I am on my way to take my dog back to the surgeon for her 8 week check up. I can’t believe it has been that long since she had her surgery. She is doing great and I hope he will tell me she…

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