Patriotic Bee

This is another image I got from the image swap.  I must admit that I struggled with what to do with this image.  I began by coloring the image.  I remember I had some fireworks looking paper and thought it would be a good idea to use it on the background.  From there I just kept adding pieces until I was finished.  I must admit I am happy with how it turned out. What do…

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Play Ball

I got this cute image in an image swap and just had to use it.  I thought my grass paper would go perfect.  Once I had my layout I wasn’t sure where to go from there.  All of a sudden it hit me that a row of balls down the side would be good.  I wasn’t sure if it needed something else or not so I added some brads.  It would be perfect if I…

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Another Birthday Bookmark

Well last week my youngest turned 21.  This week my oldest turns 25.  Wow it just seems like yesterday they were in grade school.  I think the older you get the faster time flies. My oldest has 2 cats and a dog.  She has had the cats since she was in college and adopted them from the vet she worked for.  They are both mischievous and always racing through the house.  One is gray and the…

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Another Masculine Penny Black Card

Masculine cards are hard to do and if you are like me most of your stamps are flowers. I do have a few images that are animals and Kay has a lot of frogs and hedgehogs that are great for masculine cards.  I had a cute saying so I used one of her images and created another card using the same colors and paper as I used yesterday. When making masculine cards you need to be careful…

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A Masculine Challenge

Sorry for the late post but Kay had physical therapy and had to have her blood tested today so I was playing chauffeur. The Penny Black Challenge this week was to create a masculine card without using blue. I borrowed Kay’s cute frog stamps and found this great patterned paper in my DCWV Glitter Stack to go with it. Here is one of the cards I came up with. Stamps: It’s a Circus (Penny Black),…

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Another Sketch Swap Card

I was playing last night with a few of my sketches from the swap I was in.  This was a cute sketch I got that I wanted to play with.  I saw this layout on several cards and thought it would be good for this sketch.  This is definitely a layout I will be using again as it is a great way to highlight patterned paper.  I love how the polka dot ribbon compliments the…

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