A Tag Card

Hello Stampers! I was on the run yesterday.  I had a lot going on.  I spent the day on the road going from one place to another.  I also got bad news from the vet.  Bijou has 4 teeth that are bad and may need to be removed.  Big bucks not to mention what I already paid for her visit yesterday.  Poor thing will be toothless! While I was looking at the Artisan blog hop…

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The Paper Plunge – Tags, Tags, Tags!

Happy Friday Stampers! Well yesterday was quite interesting.  I was to meet a local yarn dyer to get some yarn for a test knit.  I went to enter her address into my Navigation and it would not let me.  That meant I had to go back to the dealership for the 3rd time.  I am so glad I have a trusted private mechanic who does the maintenance on my car.  This has to go through…

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Alternative Ideas for the August My Paper Pumpkin

Hello Stampers! Yesterday I played a little with my current My Paper Pumpkin.  I did not get as much time to play as I had hoped but I was able to make 3 new ideas. I traced the envelopes and made a template before I put them together so I could recreate those.  I am so glad I did as I am always looking for new envelope ideas. I had an idea last night in…

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Lullaby ds paper – not just for babies

Good Morning Everyone! I took some time to play with some new toys I have had and not played with.  I will be sharing some of the images I worked on this week and later. Monday is the Technostamper sketch challenge.  Mary Jo always gives a great start. I decided to use some of the new ds paper I just recently got.  For this one I used the Lullaby ds paper.  I love the colors…

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Playing with my Prize Patrol

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope you had a great weekend!  I spent some time cleaning my room and playing with my new stamp sets. At Convention they do Prize Patrol after presentations.  We are all given a paper strip with our color on it.  After the person on the stage presents, they choose one color to win the prize.  I have been to Convention 6 times and never won so never expected my color to…

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My tag swap

Hello Stampers! I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of Convention.  It has been great but I am ready to be home. One of the swaps I signed up for was an Over the Top Tag swap.  We had to create a tag that was at least 3 1/2 inches wide and 6 inches long (including the ribbon).  When I signed up for this swap I knew I wanted to use The Open Sea…

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