Watercolor Circles Zany Zebra’s

Hello Everyone ~ a bright Watercolor Circles Zany Zebra’s idea is the card for today. I got my floors wet mopped yesterday.  I had several other things going on so I did it in stages.  I also vacuumed my rugs.  It was good to clean them and while I dust mop them 3 times a week it was nice to clean up any of the dirt and grime that builds up just from traffic. Today…

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#ShopYourCraftStash Falling Flowers

Hello Stampers ~ time for another #ShopYourCraftStash Falling Flowers idea! Well I was a busy bee yesterday!  I got my cards made for my new online class, worked on the page with all the details, made my card for today, and worked on my newsletter.  I was excited to get all that done.  Today I want to make my cards and videos for next week and work on getting my classroom set up for the…

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