Stampin’ Up Simple Painted Harvest

Hello Ladies ~ I have another idea for the Stampin’ Up Simple Painted Harvest stamp set. Well I hit a snag yesterday.  The buyer wanted the home inspector to come back and check the roof as he says there is still a shingle missing.  I called my guy and he was there at the same time.  The inspector said it was not fixed.  My guy said he could not see it.  So instead of the…

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Stampin’ Up Oh So Eclectic in Petal Pink

Happy Wednesday Stampers ~ I have the Stampin’ Up Oh So Eclectic in Petal Pink creation to share with you today. Well I did not get good news yesterday.  I have to have the lid to the septic tank replaced.  There were too many cracks for the guy to feel comfortable repairing it.  I was not happy to hear it but at least there are no more hurdles to jump over.  This has been very…

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Perennial Birthday Friends

Happy Saturday Everyone ~ I have a gorgeous Perennial Birthday Friends card for you today! Well we did not go to the concert last night.  It was too hot, we had to get there an hour before it started to get a parking space, the concert was going to be 2 hours long before the fireworks and the kids would not have handled that well.  We opted to stay home.  I did my Facebook Live…

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Stampin’ Up Flourish Thinlits

Good Morning Stampers ~ I played again with the Stampin’ Up Flourish Thinlits for my card today. Well I had to readjust my tasks yesterday.  I wanted to get a new venture ready to go for early next week so I worked on it.  Today I will work on packing up some of my cards so I can mail them out on Monday.  I also want to make a few more cards.  I have some…

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Remarkable You Fancy Fold

Hello Ladies ~ I have a Remarkable You Fancy Fold card for you today. Well I am back home and now I have to attack all the small jobs I need to work on that I postponed until later.  I will do one job at a time and see what I can get done.  I had a very successful trip and managed to do some ground work for when I move.  I did not plan…

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Product Focus New In Colors

Good Morning Ladies ~ have you seen the New In Colors yet? I spent yesterday morning running around.  I had an appointment in the morning and then I had to take Bijou to the vets.  She has been having some problems lately so they are doing some tests.  They think it might be a kidney issue.  I hope not but time will tell.  They also gave me some things to do with her to help…

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