Fancy Fold Christmas Card

Hello Everyone ~ I have a Fancy Fold Christmas Card for you today. Yesterday was another busy day.  I had a workshop in the morning then worked on cutting for the mini album kit I needed.  I had to go to the dentist ~ yay!!!!!!!!! no cavities ~ and when I got back I vacuumed and then started cutting for 2 more kits I needed.  I also had my first mini album class last night. …

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Handmade Advent Calendar Idea

Hello Everyone ~ I am sharing a Handmade Advent Calendar Idea today. I was a little surprised when I saw on Facebook that there was a forecast for a blizzard for us this weekend.  One radio station says 17″ and the local TV station says flurries.  It will be interesting to see how this one plays out.  One thing that many of the local weather people do not consider is the temperature of the Chesapeake…

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Colorful Paisleys

Hello Everyone ~ I played with this stamp set and some different colors to create some Colorful Paisleys! Well I managed to get into my room yesterday for a bit and did cross a few more items off my To Do list.  I have back to back workshops today so not sure if I will have time to get to anything.  I am hoping I can at least plan some cards so that when I…

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