Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenges – Thank You

Good Morning! Wow what a cold weekend!  I spent a lot of time in my craft room.  I got a lot finished in there.  I also worked on my storage boxes I had made.  I have them placed where they will be stored and they are ready to fill up.  I am hoping to work some more this week in both areas. Today is the sketch challenge at TechnoStamper.  Mary Jo gave us an interesting…

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Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge – Thank You

Happy Monday Stampers! Well so far my cold has not been too bad.  I think because I am trying to be proactive with it and getting sleep as much as possible has helped.  Hopefully I can keep it at bay so it does not get as bad as Jess’ and Zoie’s was. This weekend I helped Zoie work on some gifts for the workers at her school as well as a small gift for her…

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Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge – snowman

Happy Monday Everyone! Well I did not get anything done yesterday.  I was lazy! I did do some knitting but that was about it.  I could not get my act together.  I figured my body was saying it needed to relax so I can avoid the cold in this house. Today is the challenge at Mary Jo’s Technostamper Monday Lunchtime Sketch Challenge.  This week we had a long card for the sketch.  I decided to…

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Santa’s Sleigh Ride

Good Morning Everyone! Well yesterday I managed to get my lights up outside only to discover the lights on my garland around the door have gone bad.  I will be heading out today to see if I can get a new garland.  I also had a string of lights on my trees go bad so I will replace those also.  I got my 2 trees up inside but did not decorate them.  I have to…

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Technostamper – Color Me Autumn

Happy Monday Everyone! Well I can see my table top now.  I also got the drawers out of the tall cabinet and went through them and sorted by items.  Next I need to empty the other cabinet I have.  I am hoping to be able to move the items out so I can put the rest of the items in and start organizing my supplies. Today is the sketch challenge at Technostamper.  This week Mary…

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Late Night Techno Fall

Good Morning Stampers! I hope you had a good weekend.  The weather was not the best but a perfect opportunity to stay indoors and be creative! Today at Late Night Stampers we have the challenge for the month.  This month the challenge is all about Fall, Family, or Thanksgiving.  Lots of options there.     Mary Jo at Technostamper decided to give us a simple layout this week.  Here is her sketch for this week. When…

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