Santa Boxes

Merry Christmas!!!!! Hello Everyone ~ Are you ready to see some Santa Boxes? I GOT IT DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I plowed through yesterday and I got all my presents wrapped and I finished my big project!  I wasn’t feeling too bad so I just kept working.  I had to work on the big project while Jess was moving stuff to her town house.  That was fun as I knew I was on a time crunch.  I finished…

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Pine Branches Card

Hello Stampers ~ I have an all occasion Pine Branches Card to share with you today. Well we are off for another full day of shopping.  We had a great time yesterday and found lots of great bargains.  I am sure there are some stores we have not visited that we will hit today.  Then we will finish the day off with a fabulous dinner.  The evening will be spent talking and laughing as we…

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Christmas Gift Box

Hello Everyone ~ Would you like an idea for a Christmas Gift Box? Wow yesterday I got a lot done!  I managed to do a make up workshop, make several birthday cards, finish adding the cards to my October collage class sample, edited and uploaded my 2 videos and wrote the tutorials for them, made my project for today’s post, and took photos of all my projects for my upcoming classes.  It is amazing what…

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