Flip Book

Good Morning Everyone ~ have you ever made a flip book?  I made a Flip Book that I am sharing today.

Well I got into my flower beds yesterday!  I was so glad.  I worked on one in front of the house as it was in the shade.  I got that bed finished.  Now I have 3 full beds and 2/3 of another one.  I am hoping to get into the 2/3 one tomorrow evening after the sun goes down some and it is in the shade.  If I can get 1/3 of it done that will leave me the last third to do another night.  It would be nice to do after it has rained some as there are a lot of little weeds in there.  Never thought I would say I would like to see rain after all we had last month!

Last month I participated in a Summer Flip Book swap.  We had to create a flip book with a Summer theme.  Do you know what a flip book is?  A flip book is a small interactive book – usually 6″ x 6″ – that has pages that flip side to side or up and down.  It can also have tags that flip.  Usually you use washi tape to allow the items to flip.  You also use designer series paper to make the pages.  They are fun to make!  I was paired up with a partner and began my work.  Here are the pages I created in my flip book.


 back of cover and first page in the flip book

first interactive page – closed

interactive page open

interactive page flipped down to show the page underneath

interactive flip tags on the 2 pages from above

flip page on other side with a tag that flips down

last flipped page

And here is the flip book she sent me.

her cover

Her first pages

her pages under the flipped ones

goodies she stuffed in one of the pockets

last pages of her flip book

I enjoyed this swap quite a bit.  I also learned a lot from this flip book.  I will use these ideas in future flip books.

Thanks for visiting me today.  I am headed to the yarn shop today and I have a HOA board meeting this evening.  Busy day!  Have a Great Day and if you make a flip book, please share it with me!


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