Some Valentine’s and Remi is here!

Hello Stampers!

Well I am writing this the night before it posts.  The snow is falling pretty steady and slowly piling up.  The last report I heard we are going to get 7 – 10 inches.  I will not be going anywhere tomorrow.

Yesterday Jess finally went into labor.  I was so afraid she was going to go into labor during this storm.  As it worked out her labor started about 3:30 in the morning.  They left for the hospital at 5:30 and Remi was born at 11:09.  Here is a picture of her just after she was born.

Remi Jane Vance
February 16, 2015
11:09 am
9 pounds 1 ounce   
22 1/2 inches

I took Zoie over to the hospital yesterday before the snow started falling.  She was so excited to see her little sister.  Here are some pictures of her visit.

Ok I know you have seen enough of my grand daughters so on to my cards.  Today I am sharing 2 Valentine’s I made per request from a customer.  I used some retired items to make these.  They are clean and simple!

inside of card and envelope

second card

inside of card and envelope

Thanks for visiting me today.  I hope you have fun day planned for today.  Have a Terrific Tuesday!


One Comment

  1. Reminds is sweet and precious….and a very good size! Zoie looks very proud and happy about her new baby sister…very sweet pictures of mom and her daughters. Congratulations and happiness to all! Your valentines are gorgeous!

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