Take Ten remake

Hello Stampers!

Well as of last night they were calling for 3 – 6 inches for us with the snow lasting until noon.  I am curious to see if what they predicted pans out.  I am hoping not but we shall see.

I recently received my Take Ten magazine in the mail.  I sat down the other day and marked some of the cards in there I wanted to make my version of.  Today’s card is one of those.  I saw a card which used a pale background paper that had 2 circle of patterned paper around a punched circle that had a wooden butterfly in it.  I liked the look so I decided to try it using Stampin’ Up supplies.  I used 2 different patterned papers for my circles.  I also did not have a wooden butterfly so I decided to use a punched one.  Here is my version of the card in the magazine.

inside of card and envelope

Do you get any papercrafting magazines?  Choose a card in the issue and recreate it using the supplies you have.  I would love to see if you do.

Thanks for visiting me today.  I hope to have a productive day today as I have a lot to get done.  Wish me luck!  Have a Great Day!


One Comment

  1. Very pretty, like that you used two different DSPs for the circle and think that the paper butterfly is much softer than a wood one would be….also makes the card easier to mail without extra postage and something else to keep the wooden one from cracking.

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